Life for Tammy and Barry Mason changed drastically when their daughter, Olivia, was diagnosed with cancer. Since that day they've developed a strong connection with the IWK Health Centre.
IWK Patients
Can you imagine being so fearful of unknown germs that you became confined to your bed? Sadly, that was the reality for 18-year-old Andrew. Diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder, Andrew’s trust in his mental health care team at the IWK have helped him enjoy his life again.
We first met Ronda on the IWK Telethon for Children on CTV in 2008. Born with an incurable blood disorder, this young man has faced a great deal of pain throughout his life. Despite his health challenges, he’s been able to find what truly brings him joy in life.
Shortly after her one-month birthday, Charlotte was sent to the IWK where she was diagnosed with two heart conditions. She underwent urgent surgery to help repair her heart function. Her parents credit Charlotte’s personality and determination for helping them get through this tough time.
After feeling very unwell last year, Cooper was referred to the IWK Health Centre where he was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease.