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IWK Patients

Addison, IWK patient


In the fall of 2019, Addison's mother, Sarah, began noticing that her daughter seemed to be more accident prone than other kids her age. She didn’t understand why Addison was getting injured so easily.

Jody, IWK patient


Family is at the heart of the IWK and each family we meet has a unique and powerful story. The Ross family’s IWK story began nearly four decades ago when Jody was a toddler living in Cape Breton.

Madelyn, IWK patient


Madelyn was brought into the world at the IWK in September 2018.  After her birth, she was having difficulty breathing and was quickly taken to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) to be stabilized and cared for. 

Whixley, IWK patient


Sarah and Mike from Prince Edward Island were a couple heading into one of the biggest adventures of their lives, becoming parents for the first time! They were extremely excited and looking forward to what was to come!

Clara Bea, IWK patient

Clara Bea

It was just after Clara Bea’s first birthday. As Clara’s mom, Amanda, was making dinner, she turned around to check on her daughter and quickly noticed she was blue.