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Patient Facilities

Lauren, IWK Patient


In 2012 when Lauren began high school in her hometown of Moncton, NB, she started to experience symptoms of Selective Mutism (SM), an anxiety disorder that left her unable to speak in specific situations.

Soon, Lauren’s SM progressed to the point where she could only speak at home.

Dorothy Grant, IWK Supporter

Dorothy and Bill Grant

Dorothy Grant and her husband Bill were devastated when their 11-year-old son David passed away as a result of a rare neurological disease. But today, almost 35 years later, David’s memory lives on at the IWK because of a legacy gift the Grant’s made in his honour.

Emma and Gracie Van Donkersgoed

The Van Donkersgoed family

In 2011, Ed and Anne Van Donkersgoed adopted three little girls – Gracie, Emma and Sarah. The IWK immediately became an important part of their life.

Construction Association of Nova Scotia (CANS), IWK Supporters

Construction Association of Nova Scotia (CANS)

Members of the Construction Association of Nova Scotia (CANS) demonstrated outstanding generosity when they came together to build a healthier community by supporting the IWK Health Centre.