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Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

Amelia, IWK patient


When Jody and Tim welcomed their sweet baby girl, Amelia, in 2016, they never dreamed she would be clinging to life just two short weeks later.

Ryder, IWK patient


Brenda was 28 weeks pregnant when she was admitted to the IWK in September 2020 after being diagnosed with preeclampsia. It’s a serious blood pressure condition that can develop during pregnancy and cause many complications, which it did.

Caden and Maci, IWK patients

Caden and Maci

Sindi Lee, a mother of four, knows all too well what it’s like to almost lose a child. Twice in her life, two of her four children have faced life-threatening emergencies and needed critical emergency care.

Matthew, IWK Patient


Twins Ben and Matthew were born prematurely, at 32 weeks, in 2012 and were immediately admitted to the IWK’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Ben did very well and was discharged after five weeks.

Jayda, IWK patient


In March 2017, Jayda—an athletic and active then eleven-year-old—became ill with a fever and started vomiting. The next day, when she began wheezing, Jayda’s parents, Lisa and Brent, rushed her to the IWK emergency department.