Kayla and Kevin never imagined that the IWK would become such an important part of their lives. Their three boys—Bo, Freddy, and George—are all under four years old and all rely on the specialized care of the IWK.
IWK Telethon

Felicia was born weighing just five pounds and 10 ounces. Although some babies born small are healthy, this, unfortunately, wasn’t the case for Felicia.

Ellis was only 15 days old when she was referred by the team at her local hospital in Prince Edward Island to the IWK’s Orthopaedic Clinic.

“Brooklynn’s first words were Dada followed by Momma,” recounts her mom, Vanessa. Like so many other families, Brooklynn’s parents watched as their beautiful little girl hit many of the expected toddler milestones. First she crawled, then she started to talk, and then walk.

Our community recently lost a bright light with the passing of Carol Young.