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IWK Telethon

Logan, IWK patient


When Logan’s mom Jean was pregnant, she found out there was a 50/50 chance the baby would inherit her condition; Pfeiffer Syndrome. It’s a genetic condition where the soft spots of the skull fuse together before birth, affecting the growth of both his skull and mid-face.

Violet, IWK patient


In December 2016, then 10-month-old Violet was diagnosed with an extremely rare cancer—infant acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Instead of being at home with family, Violet spent her very first holiday season critically ill at the IWK Health Centre.

Ava, IWK Patient


Diagnosed with leukemia three years ago, the IWK has become 10-year-old Ava’s home away from home. This is a story of strength, courage and the power of friendship.

Ella, IWK Patient


In early July 2016, a fall off a bleacher landed five-year old Ella Elkins, then of Port aux Basques, Newfoundland, in her local hospital. She was rushed to the Janeway Hospital in St. John’s with what appeared to be a brain hemorrhage.