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Mental Health

Braeden, IWK patient


Most of us remember the feeling of graduating from high school and the excitement of thinking about what comes next.

Andrew, IWK Patient


Can you imagine being so fearful of unknown germs that you became confined to your bed? Sadly, that was the reality for 18-year-old Andrew. Diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder, Andrew’s trust in his mental health care team at the IWK have helped him enjoy his life again.

Aiden, IWK Patient


Aiden of Antigonish, Nova Scotia knows the devastating impact of mental illness. Struggling with depression he credits the IWK’s Mental Health team with helping him turn his life around. This is Aiden’s story of strength and courage.

Lauren, IWK Patient


In 2012 when Lauren began high school in her hometown of Moncton, NB, she started to experience symptoms of Selective Mutism (SM), an anxiety disorder that left her unable to speak in specific situations.

Soon, Lauren’s SM progressed to the point where she could only speak at home.

Jacob, IWK Patient


It was only one year ago that 19-year old Jacob kept himself locked in his room for fear something bad would happen. A diagnosis of obsessive compulsive disorder helped him gain back control of his life. Here is his story of bravery and strength.