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Nova Scotia

Kai Matthews

IWK BforKai Trust

Kai Matthews was only 19 years old when he tragically and suddenly passed away from meningitis B (MenB) on June 1st, 2021. MenB is a very serious bacterial infection. It is the most common and deadly strain of meningitis and can be fatal within 24 to 48 hours after the onset of symptoms.

Ryder, IWK patient


Brenda was 28 weeks pregnant when she was admitted to the IWK in September 2020 after being diagnosed with preeclampsia. It’s a serious blood pressure condition that can develop during pregnancy and cause many complications, which it did.

Caden and Maci, IWK patients

Caden and Maci

Sindi Lee, a mother of four, knows all too well what it’s like to almost lose a child. Twice in her life, two of her four children have faced life-threatening emergencies and needed critical emergency care.

Elliana, IWK patient


Baby Elliana and Baby Louella were born at 25 weeks to proud parents Rachal Deevey and Jesse Snow. Each baby weighed nearly two pounds and they were admitted to the IWK’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Both girls required support to help them breathe.

Roman, IWK patient


In 2020, Roman's family noticed he was self-conscious about his body after he started pulling on his shirts to stretch them out. Roman’s behaviour towards food and exercise also began to change. He became fussier about what he was eating, and he started running.